
中国台湾直销剥漆刀哪里买 真诚推荐 杭州千和精密机械供应

收藏 2022-11-06
  • 浙江省杭州市江干区
  • 中国台湾直销剥漆刀哪里买,剥漆刀
  • 详细信息
  • 漆包线是电机、电器、家用电器、电子、仪表电磁绕组的基础和关键材料,使用时需要将线头的绝缘层去除。一般通过剥漆刀对漆包线进行剥漆,中国台湾直销剥漆刀哪里买,由于剥漆刀在工作过程中一直处于旋转状态,容易出现晃动现象,可能对漆包线造成过度剥漆或者剥漆不完整的现象。Enameledwireisthefoundationandkeymaterialofelectromagneticwindingsofmotors,electricalappliances,householdappliances,electronicsandinstruments,andtheinsulationlayerofthewireheadneedstoberemovedduringuse.Generally,中国台湾直销剥漆刀哪里买,theenameledwireispeeledbythepaintpeelingknife.Sincethepaintpeelingknifeisalwaysrotatingduringtheworkingprocess,中国台湾直销剥漆刀哪里买,itiseasytoshake,whichmaycauseexcessiveorincompletepaintpeelingontheenameledwire.杭州千和剥漆刀是线圈制造的理想工具。中国台湾直销剥漆刀哪里买

    The paint stripping machine for enameled wire provided by the utility model comprises the following steps: 1. The paint skin is collected in a centralized manner by a dust collector to avoid the paint skin polluting the whole set of equipment. 2. The driving device and the mounting base are located on the same side of the substrate, which can reduce the layout space of the enameled wire stripper. 3. The center of the cover plate has a circular through-hole and is connected with the mounting base, which is conducive to keeping the enameled wire horizontal when outgoing / incoming.中国台湾直销剥漆刀哪里买千和的剥漆刀PPKS非常好。

    At present, most of the paint stripping devices use the method of grinding, scraping and stripping paint or the method of chemical corrosion to strip paint. Most of the existing methods of grinding, scraping and stripping paint use the inductive paint stripper to strip paint, and directly use the clamping claw to clamp and strip paint on the pins. However, when stripping paint on the inductive coil, three clamping claws are directly used to strip, and the spacing between the clamping claws cannot be adjusted, resulting in that they can not be applied to various types of coils, which has strong limitations, When facing different types of coils, different clamps need to be replaced, which takes a long time and reduces the processing speed.

    钢的淬火是将钢加热到临界温度Ac3(亚共析钢)或Ac1(过共析钢)以上温度,保温一段时间,使之全部或部分奥氏体化,然后以大于临界冷却速度的冷速快冷到Ms以下(或Ms附近等温)进行马氏体(或贝氏体)转变的热处理工艺。通常也将铝合金、铜合金、钛合金、钢化玻璃等材料的固溶处理或带有快速冷却过程的热处理工艺称为淬火。Quenching of steel is a heat treatment process of heating the steel to a temperature above the critical temperature AC3 (hypoeutectoid steel) or AC1 (hypereutectoid steel), holding it for a period of time, making it fully or partially austenitized, and then rapidly cooling it to below MS (or isothermal near MS) at a cooling rate greater than the critical cooling rate for martensite (or bainite) transformation. Generally, the solution treatment of aluminum alloy, copper alloy, titanium alloy, tempered glass and other materials or the heat treatment process with rapid cooling process is also called quenching.剥漆刀的剥皮的效果好。

    Qianhe precision mechanical paint stripping knife can easily and quickly scrape off the insulating paint film on the surface of various enameled wires without damaging the substrate. Its performance is superior to the current similar electric paint scrapers at home and abroad and traditional paint stripping methods such as manual knife scraping, grinding wheel sandpaper grinding and chemical corrosion. It not only greatly improves the wire welding efficiency, but also significantly improves the welding quality. It has the characteristics of fast paint scraping speed, high efficiency, simple operation, convenient installation, stable quality of the whole machine, low failure rate, high production efficiency and novel design. It is an ideal paint scraping tool for coil manufacturing and mechanical maintenance industries such as motors, electrical appliances, meters, transformers, electronics, household appliances and power tools.剥漆刀的剥皮均匀性高。湖北重型剥漆刀修理




  • 联系人:张光辉
  • 所在地:浙江省杭州市江干区
  • 地址:康中路16号2幢2层207室
  • 身份认证:
  • 电话咨询 150****6306
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