
浙江好的剥漆刀按需定制 抱诚守真 杭州千和精密机械供应

收藏 2022-11-05
  • 浙江省杭州市江干区
  • 浙江好的剥漆刀按需定制,剥漆刀
  • 详细信息
  • 剥漆刀:该产品以超硬合金为材料加工而成,抗弯强度高,两端出入线口保证均衡的曲率半径。采用整体材料加工工艺,壁内无台阶,浙江好的剥漆刀按需定制,超硬合金硬度值较高,不可能出现弯曲不同心现象,浙江好的剥漆刀按需定制。可根据客户需求定制,浙江好的剥漆刀按需定制,自主生产设计,欢迎来图来样加工定制!Paint stripping knife: This product is made of superhard alloy, with high bending strength. The inlet and outlet of both ends ensure a balanced curvature radius. The whole material processing process is adopted, and there is no step in the wall. The hardness value of the superhard alloy is high, so it is impossible to have the phenomenon of bending non concentricity. Can be customized according to customer needs, independent production and design, welcome to map and sample processing and customization!杭州千和剥漆刀经久耐用。浙江好的剥漆刀按需定制

    The purpose of the utility model is to provide an automatic paint stripping machine for inductor production, which solves the problem that in the prior art, three claws are directly used to strip the paint of an inductor coil, and the spacing between the claws cannot be adjusted, resulting in that it can not be applied to various types of coils, and has strong limitations. When facing different types of coils, it needs to replace different clamps, which takes a long time to replace and reduces the processing speed.浙江巨型剥漆刀哪里买杭州千和剥漆刀质量好。

    产品别名 40Cr圆棒,40Cr银钢支,40Cr磨光棒,40Cr拉光圆钢 40Cr圆棒40Cr银钢支40Cr磨光棒40Cr精拉棒40Cr拉光圆钢40Cr磨光小圆棒 40Cr是我国GB的标准钢号,40Cr钢是机械制造业使用范围广的钢之一。调质处理后具有良好的综合力学性能,良好的低温冲击韧性和低的缺口敏感性。钢的淬透性良好,水淬时可淬透到Ф28~60mm,油淬时可淬透到Ф15~40mm。切削性能较好,当硬度为HB174~229时,相对切削加工性为60%。 【调质处理规范】 淬火温度850℃ ±10℃,油冷;回火温度520℃±10℃,水、油空冷。 40Cr特性 中碳调制钢,冷镦模具钢。

    剥漆刀注意事项:头尾部的R形状:头尾部的R形状也是线嘴的关键部分,R过大或过小都影响产品的质量和可承受的张力。以上提出的五条是比较关键的,外表光洁度做得再漂亮对绕制的产品的质量没有关系,只是美观而已,内在的好才是值得注意的。Precautions for paint stripping knife:  R shape of the head and tail: R shape of the head and tail is also a key part of the thread nozzle. Too large or too small R will affect the quality of the product and the tension it can bear. The five points mentioned above are relatively key. No matter how beautiful the surface finish is, it has nothing to do with the quality of the wound products. It is only beautiful, and the internal quality is worthy of attention.杭州千和剥漆刀刮漆速度快。

    使用方法:调节操作a.将本装置安装妥当,然后旋转,检查本装置A圆弧面的跳动情况,公差应在0.1mm以内。b.待剥线材应置于刀片的闭合中心,且与本装置同心。c.离心抓力调整:使用内六角扳手扭松螺丝1(3枚)后转动法兰,顺时针方向为减去复位扭力(增加离心抓力),逆时针则为增加复位扭力(减去离心抓力)。复位扭力应为150g至200g之间,此参数对应在本装置5000r/min。不同的转速应调整相应的复位扭力,建议转速5000r/min至6000r/min之间为宜。d.脱漆线径调节,使用内六角扳手扭动螺丝2,顺时针方向增大线径,逆时针则为减小线径。 千和的剥漆刀PPKSS非常好。湖北加工剥漆刀维修价格


    本产品是选用碳化钨材料,使用机床加工设备精密磨削和抛光加工而成。使内孔和外径的粗糙度分别达到Ra0.1和Ra0.05以上,两端R处光洁度达Ra0.025以上。具有极度前列硬度高,管内尺寸0.15mm或以上,外径0.4mm或以上。This product is made of tungsten carbide material and processed by precision grinding and polishing with machine tool processing equipment. The roughness of the inner hole and the outer diameter can reach ra0.1 and ra0.05 respectively, and the finish of R at both ends can reach Ra0.025 or more. It has extremely high hardness, with an inner diameter of 0.15mm or more and an outer diameter of 0.4mm or more.浙江好的剥漆刀按需定制

    杭州千和精密机械有限公司是以磁力张力器、伺服张力器,气动剪刀、剥漆刀,线嘴、导针,绕线机治具研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的工装夹具、张力器、全自动绕线机零部件、自动化设备零部件、伺服电机以及传感器的设计生产组装;张力器、传感器、伺服电机以及驱动控制的技术开发;工装夹具的设计;工装夹具及配件、五金机电、机械自动化设备的销售。企业,公司成立于2006-11-27,地址在康中路16号2幢2层207室。至创始至今,公司已经颇有规模。公司主要产品有磁力张力器、伺服张力器,气动剪刀、剥漆刀,线嘴、导针,绕线机治具等,公司工程技术人员、行政管理人员、产品制造及售后服务人员均有多年行业经验。并与上下游企业保持密切的合作关系。千和精密,NHE以符合行业标准的产品质量为目标,并始终如一地坚守这一原则,正是这种高标准的自我要求,产品获得市场及消费者的高度认可。杭州千和精密机械有限公司通过多年的深耕细作,企业已通过机械及行业设备质量体系认证,确保公司各类产品以高技术、高性能、高精密度服务于广大客户。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、 指导和业务洽谈。

  • 联系人:张光辉
  • 所在地:浙江省杭州市江干区
  • 地址:康中路16号2幢2层207室
  • 身份认证:
  • 电话咨询 150****6306
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